Welcome to Naseem Traders International

Naseem Traders international was established in 1994 and is engaged in import of veterinary products, Dairy Equipment and their distribution in whole of Pakistan. The company imports products for Cattle and Poultry from various countries. Our main concern is livestock health. We have established 7 x offices in major cities of Pakistan, including Head office at Rawalpindi, to cover the whole territory of Pakistan. We have at present, sufficient qualified staff to cover marketing & sales and additional staff for administrative duties. Dairy and Poultry marketing are being conducted through separate arrangements. We are sole representatives in Pakistan of various multinational companies (List below).


The Dairy products mainly cover the Nutritional aspect of Cattle. The products provide coverage for Mycotoxins, Immunity, Energy Deficiency, General Animal Health, Silage Inoculant, Yeast and few others. Few products for Calves health are also being marketed. In addition, we have recently added the technical aspect of provision of Dairy Engineering Equipment to the Industry.



S.#Company NameProductsCharacteristic
a.Biomin, Austria
Mycofix Plus
Biomin Biostabil Wraps
Levabon Rumen
Biotronic SE
Product relating to Mycotoxin deactivation(Being used in Animal Feed)
Immunity Modulation(Being used in Animal during Stress Phases)
Silage Inoculant
For Bacterial Problems
b.Nutega, S.L, Spain
NTI Premix
S.O.S Liquid
Prevention to ketosis, Milk efficiency & Heat Stress
Mineral Vitamin Premix. Enhance Productivity in Livestock
For Bacterial Problems in Poultry and Silage Preservation
c.BioArmor Development, France
Nutritional Supplement for Calves and foals
Complex of micro organisms essential for calves – development of beneficiary digestive flora and immune defences.
d.Desert King U.S.A Yucca SchidigeraAmmonia and Noxious Gases Binder & Growth Promoter
e.Farmwin B.V Holland Farmwin Neomycin 72%Antibiotic and Antibacterial
g.Tulsan Milking Machines and AccessoriesMechanization of Dairy Industry
h.IIgun TarimMilking Machines and AccessoriesMechanization of Dairy Industry 
i.SpaggiariMilking Liners and TubesMechanization of Dairy Industry
j.CMTMoulding and Stretching MachinesMechanization of Dairy Industry
k.AvitaDairy Engineering & CIP EquipmentsMechanization of Dairy Industry
l.Magnabosco Dairy Engineering & CIP EquipmentsMechanization of Dairy Industry

"AGRIPAK LABS Coming Soon"


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Naseem Traders international was established in 1994 and is engaged in import of veterinary products, Dairy Equipment and their distribution in whole of Pakistan. The company imports products for Cattle and Poultry from various countries. Our main concern is livestock health. We have established 7 x offices in major cities of Pakistan, including Head office at Rawalpindi, to cover the whole territory of Pakistan. We have at present, sufficient qualified staff to cover marketing & sales and additional staff for administrative duties. Dairy and Poultry marketing are being conducted through separate arrangements. We are sole representatives in Pakistan of various multinational companies (List below).


The Dairy products mainly cover the Nutritional aspect of Cattle. The products provide coverage for Mycotoxins, Immunity, Energy Deficiency, General Animal Health, Silage Inoculant, Yeast and few others. Few products for Calves health are also being marketed. In addition, we have recently added the technical aspect of provision of Dairy Engineering Equipment to the Industry.



S.# Company Name Products Characteristic
a. Biomin, Austria
Mycofix Plus
Biomin Biostabil Wraps
Levabon Rumen
Biotronic SE
Product relating to Mycotoxin deactivation(Being used in Animal Feed)
Immunity Modulation(Being used in Animal during Stress Phases)
Silage Inoculant
For Bacterial Problems
b. Nutega, S.L, Spain

NTI Premix
S.O.S Liquid
Prevention to ketosis, Milk efficiency & Heat Stress
Mineral Vitamin Premix. Enhance Productivity in Livestock
For Bacterial Problems in Poultry and Silage Preservation
c. BioArmor Development, France
Nutritional Supplement for Calves and foals
Complex of micro organisms essential for calves – development of beneficiary digestive flora and immune defences.
d. Desert King U.S.A Yucca Schidigera Ammonia and Noxious Gases Binder & Growth Promoter
e. Farmwin B.V Holland Farmwin Neomycin 72% Antibiotic and Antibacterial
g. Tulsan  Milking Machines and Accessories Mechanization of Dairy Industry
h. IIgun Tarim Milking Machines and Accessories Mechanization of Dairy Industry 
i. Spaggiari Milking Liners and Tubes Mechanization of Dairy Industry
j. CMT Moulding and Stretching Machines Mechanization of Dairy Industry
k. Avita Dairy Engineering & CIP Equipments Mechanization of Dairy Industry
l. Magnabosco  Dairy Engineering & CIP Equipments Mechanization of Dairy Industry

“AGRIPAK LABS Coming Soon”